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Cultivating a Life for God

Cultivating a Life for God
Neil Cole
(Church Smart)

Currently the US is the fifth largest unchurched nation in the world with over 187 million Americans who remain untouched by the gospel.
Churches lose 2,765, 000 people each year and between 3500 and 4000 churches close their doors each year for the last time ; while only 1100-1500 churches are started. (p. 11)
WE do tend to soften Jesus actions and words, as though He needs our protection. I am convinced that Jesus wasn’t shy about making a lasting impression on people who otherwise would’ve lived the rest of their lives in mundane routine.  (p. 14)
Unless we are given into the hands of Christ we are nothing more than a humble sack lunch, but in His hands we can see multiplication fill the hearts of the multitudes. (p.25)
E.M. Bounds once wrote, “ Men are looking for better methods, God is looking for better men.”  (p. 28)
… a church’s strength is not determined by her seating capacity but by her sending capacity. (p.29)
If the disciples don’t want to move forward, but do so only out of guilt and obligation, then as soon as the pressure is removed the process will end. Even while the external compulsion is present, the process will lack quality because the disciples will lack enthusiasm. (p. 32)
Not all Christians are meant to be leaders, but all are meant to be reproducing disciple-makers! (p. 33)
Perhaps the reason that we don’t see multiplication of disciples more often is that we are trying to do too much too soon in the process.
There are seven very important reasons that we must start the disciple-making process with people who desperately need Christ.
a.    Desperate sinners will hold onto Christ because their lives depend on it.
b.    Desperate sinners will see their lives change more readily than those who are already doing “well.”
c.    Desperate sinners are more likely to confess their sin because it is more obvious.
d.    Desperate sinners will become walking and talking billboards to the power of the gospel to other desperate sinners.
e.    Desperate sinners usually have more contact with other desperate sinners who need Jesus.
f.     Desperate sinners are the very reason Jesus came and died. He delights to save them. Bring pleasure to your Master – give the gospel to a desperate sinner!
g.    Desperate sinners who are transformed by the gospel bring greater glory to God because it makes the miraculous than much more manifest. Only God could do such a miracle. (p.41)
God loves to recycle. He transforms garbage into glory. He turns trash into a triumph. (p.41)
Every one of His children should have the words stamped somewhat on their soul: “Made from 100% recycled material.” (p. 42)
When we have the courage to confess our inadequacies we often gain credibility in the eyes of others because we demonstrate humility, honesty, and courage. (p. 47)
Once the leader stops growing he or she will lead the group toward stagnation and mediocrity. (p.55)
An Life Transformation Group (LTG) is made up of two to three people. (p.63)
The LTG accountability consists of three essential disciplines for personal spiritual growth – a steady diet of Scripture, confession of sin and prayer for others who need Christ. (p.63)
The first thing the LTG does together at a meeting is ask one another the ten accountability questions….
The ten questions are as follows:
1.    Have you been a testimony this week to the greatness of Jesus Christ with both your words and actions?
2.    Have you been exposed to sexually alluring material or allowed your mind to entertain inappropriate thoughts about someone who is not your spouse this week?
3.    Have you lacked any integrity in your financial dealings this week, or coveted something that does not belong to you?
4.    Have you been honoring, understanding and generous in your important relationships this past week?
5.    Have you damaged another person by your words, either behind their back or face-to-face?
6.    Have you given in to an addictive behavior this week? Explain.
7.    Have you continued to remain angry toward another?
8.    Have you secretly wished for another’s misfortune so that you might excel?
9.    Did you finish your reading this week and hear from the Lord? What are you going to do about it?
10.Have you been completely honest with me? (p.64)
It is important for those who are involved with an LTG to submit to the spirit of the system more than the letter of the law. (p. 65)
For a steady diet, I strongly recommend reading 25 to 30 chapters each week. (p.66)
If any one of the group was unable to complete the reading portion, then the same reading assignment is to be taken up again. (p.67)
A major weakness of the Western church is the independent and individualistic approach to spiritual development. (p.68)
…totaling six names. Each time one of us does our Bible reading we select one of the names and pray for that person using the suggested prayer guide.
1.    I pray Lord, that You draw _______ to Yourself (John 6:44)
2.    I pray that _______ seek to know You (Acts 17:27)
3.    I pray that  ________  hear and believe the Word of God (I Thess. 2:13).
4.    I ask You to prevent Satan from blinding  _______ to the truth (2 Cor. 4:4; 2 Tim. 2: 25-26).
5.    Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict _______of his/her sin and his/her need for Christ’s redemption.
6.    I ask You to send someone who will share the gospel with _____ (Matt. 9:37-38).
7.    I also ask that You give me ( and/or my fellow disciple) the opportunity, the courage and the right words to share the truth with  _____(Co 4: 3-6;Eph.6:19-20).
8.    Lord, I pray that ______turn from his/her sin (Acts 17:30-31; I Thess. 1: 9-10).
9.    Lord, I pray that ______ would put all of his/her trust in Christ (John 1:12; 5:24).
10.Lord, I pray that ______confess Christ as Lord of his/her life, take root and grow in his/her faith and bear much fruit for Your glory (Rom. 10:9-10; Col.2: 6-7; Luke 8:15).  (p. 69)
Let’s summarize:
a.    LTG’s meet once a week for approximately an hour.
b.    LTG’s are groups of two or three (the 4th person is the beginning of the second group and multiplication is imminent).
c.    The groups are not coed.
d.    There is no curriculum, workbook or training involved.
e.    There is no leader needed in the group.
f.     Only three tasks are to be accomplished:
1.    Sin is confessed to one another in mutual accountability.
2.    Scripture is read repetitively, in entire context and in community.
3.    Souls are prayed for strategically, specifically and continuously. (p.70)
So why are we not concerned when 85-90 percent of our churches are infertile and not giving birth to new churches?  (p.73)
According to the US Dept. of Education only 51% of Americans are functionally literate. That means that about half of the people in the United States do not have the literacy levels to comprehend the KJV. (p.76)
It is interesting to see Paul’s self-awareness change over time. In his earlier writings he refers to himself as equal to the most eminent of apostles ( 2 Cor. 12:11). Later, he writes that he is least of the saints (Eph.3:8). In one of his last writings he calls himself the foremost of all sinners (I Tim. 1:15). Was his sin and disobedience actually increasing over that time? Of course not. He was getting closer to His Lord and thus becoming more aware of his own weaknesses in the light of Jesus’ perfection. He knew his need for the gospel better at the end of his life than he did at the beginning. (p.82)
(Wesley) observed that awakening people without folding them into redemptive cells does more harm than good! In a journal entry of 1743 he declares, “The devil himself desires nothing more than this, that the people of any place should be half-awakened and then left to themselves to fall asleep again. Therefore, I determine by the grace of God not to strike one stroke in any place where I cannot follow the blow.”  (p.83)
As it stands currently, the common Christian is far from integrating the gospel and evangelism into their spiritual development.
§  40% of born-again Christians, according to the Barna Research group, do not have a clue what the word “gospel” means.
§  53% did not know what “John 3:16” means. One comedy film about NBA basketball had a wild fan point to a banner which read “John 3:16”and yelled to the coach, “Hey John, that ‘s not a Bible verse, that’s your road record!” That’s about the level of understanding today!
§  81% (4:5) of born-again Christians do not know what the phrase “Great Commission” means. They think its something like 25%of the profits!  (p. 84)
To attempt to multiply groups and churches without multiplying disciples is not only disobedient, but it is downright impossible! (p. 93)
The questions are too personal for staid Christians who are content with the status quo and threatened by opening up the closet and exposing what is inside.
I have found that lost people  who want to be saved respond well to authentic lives willing to admit their need for forgiveness and grace.
In fact, it is when we hide this authenticity from the world, and pretend to be better than we are, that the world takes offense at our hypocrisy and rejects our message. (p. 97)
If an average reader will give half-an-hour every day to reading the Scripture, he or she will be able to keep up with the required amount. (p.98)
One thing that will astound you is the way that the growing disciples are able to find answers to their own questions when they read the same passage of Scripture repetitively. (p. 106)
During those days of intense persecution, the Christians began a tradition of drawing an arc in the dirt with a walking stick or their toe. If the other person drew a second arc opposite of the first completing a fish shape, then they both knew that they were Christians and that they could fellowship freely without concern of persecution. (p.115)
…WWII bomber pilot: “ If you’re receiving flack you’re over the target.” (p.119)
I have heard that scientific and statistical probabilities have demonstrated that if a single shaft of wheat is left unmarred and blighted and allowed to freely reproduce and grow, within only eight years it will have multiplied into a crop large enough to feed the entire world population – for an entire year!  (p.122)

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